Research that Makes a Difference
Wilder School faculty members are at the cutting-edge of wide variety of research, from criminal justice to public policy to social equity and beyond. Below is a snapshot of the work being done by our faculty, with a focus on research related to social equity.
The Wilder School Symposium, “Race, Health, and Accountability”
The 2022 Wilder Symposium, “Racism, Health, and Accountability,” was held person, Monday, September 19. As the signature speaker, Governor L. Douglas Wilder discussed the complex ethical issues exposed during the case, examined its lasting historic impact, and traced the role of institutionalized racism to the ongoing battle for healthcare equity and access. Governor Wilder also fielded questions from moderator Dean Susan Gooden and audience members.
Ensuring Language Access Equity in Virginia Government Services
This report from the Wilder School’s Research Institute for Social Equity (RISE) addresses the growing language needs of multilingual communities and people with LEP within the scope of the Appropriations Act, and the language equity and access for individuals with disabilities living in the Commonwealth of Virginia given the need for accessibility for people with disabilities (PWD) and the charge given within Executive Order 47.
Unequal distribution of pharmacies in Virginia leaves vulnerable populations at risk
A new study, “An Analysis of Spatial Disparity of Pharmacies, in Virginia, USA,” published in the Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, sheds light on prescription access in Virginia was conducted by Xueming “Jimmy” Chen and I-Shian “Ivan” Suen, both professors of urban and regional planning at the Wilder School. In their study, Chen and Suen examined the accessibility of pharmacies in the state, with a focus on vulnerable populations.
CompassPoint Podcast: Health Inequities and the Coronavirus Pandemic
In this podcast, Dr. Shelly Smith, a Clinical Associate Professor and the Director of VCU’s DNP Program in the Department of Adult Health and Nursing Systems, shares her expertise about health inequities and the coronavirus pandemic. This includes major health equity issues that have arisen; steps that policymakers, healthcare providers, and the public can be taken to address them; and the importance of a proactive approach moving forward.